Invest in Yourself

Many of us keep on giving until we are depleted and exhausted — until our cup is empty. Women in particular are often made to feel bad if they do anything for themselves.
Here are a few ways you can invest in yourself:
Carve out time to do things you enjoy and that make you feel better about yourself.
Set boundaries — protect your energy and don’t feel guilty about it.
Put yourself first — your time and energy are as valuable as that of others.
Prioritize spiritual practice — prayer, meditation, time alone and self-development.
Make time to bolster your health — avoid toxic situations and people, seek support for depression or make time to exercise and eat right.
Improve or change your habits and lifestyle — invest energy in improving your thought patterns, time management, or schedule.
Try something new — If you’ve always wanted to take up climbing, try a new healing modality, buy yourself a deck of angel cards or sign up for a course, do it.
Take time off just for you — to rest, to do that project or course you’ve been wanting to do for ages.
Start taking control of your finances — Break bad spending habits. Debt feels bad. Zero debt feels great.
Remind yourself of how amazing you are — Everyday, think of three things about yourself that you love.
Wishing you a blessed day.